速報APP / 家庭 / Lucky's Catch the Nuts

Lucky's Catch the Nuts





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Nisulankatu 78 40720 Jyväskylä Finland

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖1)-速報App

★ Welcome to Lucky's Catch the Nuts! ★

This and 17 more fun and educational games are included in "Lucky's Tree of Puzzles".

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖2)-速報App


Collect as many nuts as you can as they fall from the tree. Game gets faster and faster, so stay focused!

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖3)-速報App

Keep an eye for a SUPERNUT for extra bonus to the Lucky's stash.


Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖4)-速報App

★ Simple one touch controls, suitable for young children

★ All instructions are spoken, included languages are English, Spanish, Finnish, and Arabic

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖5)-速報App

★ English version voiced by Emmy Award winner Kerry McNally

★ Includes a three dimensional Playhouse, where you can play with building blocks and a toy car

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖6)-速報App

★ Includes a Coloring Book with 10 pictures to color, or draw a picture of your own and color it.

★ Building block constructions and coloring book pages can be saved to devices gallery and shared with others

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖7)-速報App

★ No in-app purchases or up sells

★ No Internet access from the game

Lucky's Catch the Nuts(圖8)-速報App

★ No advertisements

★ No inappropriate or scary content

★ Allows parent to monitor and limit the playtime.